
Tracker Spy
Browse, in your terms

Get to know who is tracking you across websites, and where. Get details about the trackers found across the websites you visit, and block them. It should be up to you who tracks you.

Get it now

Get a summary, of the most important information

Get a summary that displays the most recent and important information, made for you to understand with ease everything that's going on.

You want more details?
Here you go

Get a list of every single tracker found on websites you visited, with details about who owns it, and every website it was found on. Cool, right?

Block individual trackers,
or block all of them

You can manually block individual trackers, so you get to chose who tracks you and who doesn't. Alternatively, you can automatically block all of them and just forget they even exist.

Increases loading performance by 50%

Blocking trackers will dramatically reduce the page loading time, and increase its overall performance 🤯.

Page load time
4s 2s
Withowt blocking

Websites can now load about 50% faster when blocking trackers from loading. On slower devices, you will even notice a greater difference!

Get to know who uses your location , and manage the way it gets shared

Get to know what websites access your geolocation, and manage what is shared when they request it.

Other great features

There are other very cool features.

Search for trackers

Use the chrome searchbar to search for websites or trackers found, and instantly get information..

Page popup

View information about the current websites, like the trackers found and blocked.

Get it now

You've literally got nothing to lose, so why not give it a try?

🤝 Get it now GitHub